marți, 19 august 2008

Life 2.1

21:04 Am invatat o pula m-am tolanit in pat si am incercat sa evit orice contact cu sormea, o trecut si muma p'acasa cu tigarile:>, A. m-o stresat toata ziua cu tilifoane si mesaje, am vorbit cu L. care s-a tot plictisit in prima zi la noul job, ii faceam pofta cu sarmalutele, ciorbita de perisoare si omleta mea( muhaha razbunare pt ca mi-o adus aminte de Panini) dar ea avea tigari iar eu nu:|, acum am /:D\.
Am incercat sa dorm, nu pt, e prea mare fataiala in casa, parca au primit toti in seara asta implant cu frecus.
Trec si eu cam pe la 9 la calc, ma conversez cu vreo 2 gagici( f bune..) +L. (:X:X:X have to love her)

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

"Chestia aia " n-o inveti dragule, o ai din nascare:)) ca mi-ai facut o pofta cu sarmalutele tale de mi se umfla ceva:)), am sa te ard eu pentru asta fii linistit:P
In alta ordine de idei, you surely have to love me everyday, altfel nu functioneaza o relatie, asa ca keep going, nu astept alte compromisuri..I'm your no.1 priority!!!!!And I love you too:)

Tender Heart spunea...

Look here

im sorry

forget the mask

forget my lies

forget pretending

im bleeding out for you now to know

every second i crave your touch

your lips

your arms

your love

im sorry for my selfish ways

im sorry for my bad habits

im sorry for not being who you need

im sorry you can't tell me everything

im sorry i can't open up my head and let you walk right in

I never thought that i would have anything to give

you made me believe

made me realize i deserve the best

im sorry that we didn't have it all

im sorry for my parents

im sorry for the secrets

im sorry for everything

most of all im sorry that we are apart

one thing i'll never be sorry for


is loving you

Nina spunea...

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